Recipe Card Blocks PRO provides several action hooks that allow developers to inject custom content at various positions within the recipe card.
You can use the following hooks to add content after specific sections of the recipe card:
โ Fires after the recipe image.wpzoom_recipe_card_block_content_after_title
โ Fires after the recipe title.wpzoom_recipe_card_block_content_after_details
โ Fires after the recipe details (prep time, cook time, servings, etc.).wpzoom_recipe_card_block_content_after_ingredients
โ Fires after the ingredients list.wpzoom_recipe_card_block_content_after_directions
โ Fires after the directions.wpzoom_recipe_card_block_content_after_video
โ Fires after the recipe video (if available).To add custom content after the recipe image, use the following snippet in your theme or plugin:
add_action( 'wpzoom_recipe_card_block_content_after_image', function() { echo '<p class="custom-note">This is a custom message after the recipe image.</p>'; });
These hooks provide flexibility for developers to extend and customize recipe cards without modifying plugin files.