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Is Recipe Card Blocks GDPR compliant?

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a European Union (EU) law with the goal to provide EU residents control over their personal data and change the data privacy approach of organizations across the world.

Is Recipe Card Blocks GDPR compliant?


In order to make the plugin 100% GDPR compliant, you will have to disable Google Fonts in Settings > Appearance.

The free version of Recipe Card Blocks does not collect any information outside your WordPress installation, therefore it’s 100% GDPR compliant.

Star Rating Cookie

If you are using the PRO version and the star rating feature is enabled, then the plugin will store a cookie when someone will vote for a recipe. This cookie is used as (one of the) measures to prevent rating spam.

Our recommendation is to update your Privacy Policy page with this information.

You can easily find the needed text when generating or editing the Privacy Policy page:


Recommended resources

For more general information and recommendations about GDPR & WordPress’ compliance we recommend you the following links:

Last updated on February 5, 2023
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