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How many sites can I use Recipe Card Blocks on?

Each license you’ve purchase can be used on 1 Live Site + 1 Development Site (localhost).

If you’ve purchased a package that includes multiple sites license (3 Site License), then you can use the plugin on as many websites as your license can be activated.

Staging sites or local development domains (localhost) are not counted towards the activation limit of your license key. This means that 1 Site License is enough for 1 Live Site + 1 Development Site (localhost).


If I need to use my Recipe Card Blocks theme on a second site, do I need a second license?
Yes. One purchase of a Single License allows you to use the plugin on one finished site. If you need to use it on a second site, it requires you to make a second license purchase.

You can also upgrade your current license to a different pricing plan, which includes more site activations.

You can do that from the Licenses page:

Can a license be activated on a Multisite (Network) WordPress installation?

Yes, you can install and use our plugin on a Multisite network. Just keep in mind that each site from your network will be counted as a separate website, so you will either need an Unlimited Sites license key (contact us for details) or a network admin will have to take care of updates for the plugin on the entire network.

Last updated on December 8, 2021
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